Our Upper Intermediate Grammar Wiki Print Book has Landed!

We know a lot of you have been waiting for this news, so we’ll cut to the chase: Chinese Grammar Wiki BOOK: Upper Intermediate (B2) edition is now available for purchase on Amazon! (The Kindle version has been available since December 2020. iBooks version coming soon!)

This new book contains 152 B2 grammar points, each with pinyin and English translation for all examples.

We actually had to trim some of the less-essential grammar points in order to fit the book within our printer’s hard limit of 400 pages. If you’re curious which 8 grammar points didn’t make the cut, you can find them on the wiki here: B2 Book Omissions.

These 8 grammar points were temporarily removed from the B2 index as part of our book creation process, but now that our new books are published, they’ll be added back to the full B2 grammar point list soon. (We’ll leave the “omissions” page up as a reference for book owners.)

Finally, just a reminder that you can all now COMPLETE THE TRILOGY:


Boring Bangongshi - S0AE05


Boring Bangongshi - S0AE04