2010 Summer Intern: Donna



Donna Yee was AllSet Learning's first ever intern, and was introduced to use through her CET Shanghai study abroad program. She was the perfect intern for us at the time, because our small company was first starting out, and had a lot on its plate.Donna was a computer science major, so at AllSet Learning she got to help develop an early prototype system for organizing and analyzing Chinese lesson data. She worked hard and created some valuable code. Prototyping new systems can be quite time-intensive, but it proved to be a very worthwhile exercise.Thanks for your had work, Donna, and sorry it took us a year to get this blog post up! The worst part is that due to a hard drive crash, we have lost the original photo of Donna working hard at AllSet Learning. (Don't worry, Donna; the memory stays strong!)


2011 Summer Intern: Lucas


The iPad at AllSet